MBA Executive Course - Amp Up Your Corporate Skills

 In this technology-driven world, it gets obvious that some people hit rock bottom while others move ahead by miles. Although what can’t be denied is - we live in a world where opportunities are endless. This holds true for most career options that keep emerging every year. Moreover, this has led to an enhancement in demand for well-versed professionals, giving birth to a couple of new courses.

One of those courses that have turned the head of many is the Executive MBA, also called an EMBA or E-MBA. While many students opt for a full-time MBA program, working professionals showcase their interest in EMBA.

According to a survey conducted by Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), 19% of aspirants in India prefer choosing an MBA Executive Course. In fact, in 2018’s GMAC survey after the US, India was the second most desired destination for MBA Executive courses globally.

Possibly, there could be numerous reasons for the increasing acceptance of MBA Executive courses; a few of the basic reasons behind the ongoing trends are the reasonable fee structure, growing competition for regular MBA, and the increasing Indian economy.

An MBA Executive course is typically designed for active working professionals as they can’t opt for a regular 2-year MBA program. The overall duration of this MBA Executive course is shorter than most regular programs, making it a perfect choice for active office-goers wanting to witness an immediate shift in their careers without giving up on their jobs!

Although there can be multitudes of reasons for the immensely growing popularity of MBA Executive courses in India, listed below are some of the major reasons why it is grabbing the eyes of individuals.

An Enormous Number of Under-qualified Working Pros!

Unlike the western part of the globe, where tons of aspirants choose an executive MBA degree to better their careers in the corporate world, it has been evident that most graduates in India apply for a regular MBA compared to working pros who go for an executive MBA.

The sole reason behind this is that most graduates in India are jobless, leading to huge numbers of graduates applying for a post-graduation course, MBA, thus boosting the competition across the nation with more aspirants and fewer seats.

In addition, this is also one of the reasons why more candidates skip applying for a regular MBA. Rapidly increasing advancement in the corporate and the need to recruit the best have led to the firms wanting more MBA graduates over aspirants without a post-graduation degree in an MBA, putting wreckless pressure on candidates to either get up-to-date or get left in the race. So, what is left for them? Will they take a pause and opt for a regular 2-Year MBA?

Certainly not!

All they can do is opt for an MBA executive course. This program has been typically designed by keeping in mind the career of working individuals.

MBA Executive - A Way to Reboot Your Career

In the business world, after working for a couple of years, most officegoers lack the motivation and energy to give their best as they did at the start of their careers. Well, this is due to the same work routine and environment.

With zero visible changes in their careers, it gets obvious for almost all officegoers to think about quitting their jobs! In this scenario, an MBA Executive course can work as the restart button to give you the needed space, polishing your skills and empowering you with a better perspective and ongoing trends.

MBA Executive Eligibility Criteria

When it comes to MBA Executive eligibility criteria, it is similar to the regular one. There is only one major difference is work experience, carrying a ton of weight in the selection process. So have a look at the criteria underneath:

  • An aggregate of 50% from any renowned university or college in any bachelor's discipline.

  • An aspirant must have at least two years of work experience, either at the managerial or executive level. Remember, part-time work experience is not accepted by any institute.

  • The duration of working years can vary from university to university. Hence, an aspirant must double–check the MBA Executive eligibility criteria before applying.


An MBA executive can add loads of perks to your career by providing valuable skills, for example, decision-making, problem-solving, leadership, interpersonal skills, etc. Therefore, without wasting any time, join an MBA executive program now.


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